Guiding Documents

The City’s guiding documents shape how we grow and where we invest our resources. They create a shared vision for the long-term future of the City and are developed with resident feedback.


Castle Pines Home Rule Charter

The Charter is a community’s “constitution” and most important guiding document.

The Charter cannot be easily amended, so great care has gone into drafting it. Residents overwhelmingly voted to approve the City’s first Home Rule Charter in May 2019. Under Home Rule, Castle Pines residents are given greater authority to create laws that meet the needs and expectations of the community. View the Home Rule Charter.


Zoning Ordinance

Castle Pines has divided its geographic area into zones and each has a unique set of standards for land uses and development regulations that balance the general health, safety, and welfare of the public with private property owner rights to use their land. View the Zoning Ordinance document.

front of a house in castle pines

Subdivision Regulations

This municipal ordinance mandates a review of a proposed division of land into separate lots for resale against pre-determined standards. It is designed to ensure adequate streets, utilities, drainage, and means of leaving the development and entering the area. View the Subdivision Regulations.

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Comprehensive Plan

The comprehensive plan defines how the community envisions Castle Pines over the next 25 years and how we can get there, step by step. It addresses key elements including land use, community facilities, economic development, transportation, and more. View the 2021 Comprehensive Plan.

children's playground

Parks and Recreation Plan

The Castle Pines community values scenic beauty and an active lifestyle made possible by a connected system of trails, open space, and quality parks. This plan addresses how we can continue to create recreational opportunities and care for our natural environmental resources. View the 2024 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update.

construction crew

Capital Improvement Plan

The Capital Improvement Plan provides a forecast of funds available for capital projects and identifies all planned capital improvements and their estimated costs over the five-year period. The most recent plan is for the years 2019-2023. View the Capital Improvement Plan.