City Clerk


The City Clerk's Office is responsible for:

  • Clerk of City Council—The City Clerk preserves legislative history by keeping accurate and accessible records of City Council meetings.
  • Municipal Elections – The City Clerk is the Designated Elections Official for the City of Castle Pines.
  • Custodian of City Records—The City Clerk maintains municipal records such as City ordinances, resolutions, public notices, and the Municipal Code.
  • Liquor Licensing—The City Clerk processes and manages all new license applications, renewals, changes, and Special Event Liquor Permits.
  • Special Event Permits—Parties hosting large events in the city must apply for a Special Event Permit with the City Clerk.

For notary services, please email or 303-705-0200 to make an appointment.

Tobi Duffey

City Clerk