CP Commercial, LLC Lawsuit

CP Commercial, LLC has filed a lawsuit against the Castle Pines City Council following its denial of a site improvement plan for a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant building during the May 28, 2024 City Council Meeting. See the resources below for more information.


Legal Process Timeline

The timeline below is a general estimate based on current information and could change due to any filing, objection, or court action.

  • Complaint is served on City – City accepted service on June 27, 2024
  • City files an answer to the complaint (within 21 days after service/receipt of the complaint) – Answer filed on July 18, 2024
  • City certifies record of proceedings and relevant documents to the district court – August 19, 2024
  • Plaintiff files an opening brief – within 42 days after record is filed – September 30
  • City files an answer brief – within 35 days after service of opening brief – November 4
  • Plaintiff files a reply brief – within 14 days after service of answer brief – November 18
  • Court renders a decision based on the record and the briefs. No additional witnesses or evidence is presented to the judge. – No deadline for a decision is required